Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Making writing fun for the whole family

As we sit here during Spring Break with 9 inches of snow and the wind blowing it is inevitable to hear a parent's least favorite words "I'm bored!!". I have a great idea that will end up becoming a cherished and treasured family legacy. Why not begin a family journal? It is simple and fun. Choose a topic and let each family member write their thoughts in it. Even the littlest members can draw a picture or add a scribble.
Some fun topics to begin with:
What is your favorite family memory?
If Mom went on strike and didn't cook for a month who would be the best cook? Why?
If there were an alligator in the bathtub what would you do?
Things to remember are to keep your critiques light...nothing quells the creative spirit faster than criticism! Keep it in the family...not everyone likes to have their thoughts shared.
We have a fun workshop coming up on the 18th..."How to Write an "A" Paper". We plan on making the writing process much less daunting and scary...sign your student up and have them bring a friend!

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