Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So...Summer is finally here. The sun is hot, the breeze is warm and my petunias are drooping. I was thinking to myself how much I miss the days of planning activities with my children to keep boredom at bay during these glorious days. One of our favorites was going to Cranbrook for a fun class on solving a murder. We had a great time. What do you do to keep the kids off the couch, the computer and to keep their minds active? Studies show that students lose so much during the summer months...this is why the first six weeks of school are spent in review!
Why not check out our schedule of workshops and give your kids a step up for the new school year. What a terrific idea to have them ready to use those planners the day they get them!!!
Also, don't forget our offer of a free workshop...invite 10 or more kids over and we will come to you to present a workshop!! Your child's workshop will be free! I would invite the moms too and have a nice visit while the kids are occupied and learning..but that is just me!!!

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